Second radiology readings make a difference
Provincial Governments and Radiology Associations already agree. So why wait?
A second review of your CT and MRI scans can help you …
- Minimize errors: Radiology interpretation errors can be as high as 33% for abnormal studies
- Improve accuracy: Studies suggest that second radiology readings can improve diagnostic accuracy by 90%
- Reduce risk: Avoid unnecessary surgery and prevent a serious misdiagnosis

Get expert advice
All our Radiologists have extensive training and are subspecialists trained at top North American medical centres. They are Board Certified practicing Radiologists domiciled in Canada.

Confirm your diagnosis
By having a second radiology opinion, you can feel more confident in your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Reduce your risk
Second radiology readings and opinions improve accuracy and can improve patient outcomes by avoiding unnecessary testing and procedures.
How do I get a second opinion?
Create an account
Our simple sign up process allows you to get started right away.
Transfer or Upload your MRI/CT images
Transfer your images or insert your medical image CD-ROM and follow the instructions.
Review your results
Our expert Radiologists analyze your images, dictate their report and fax a copy to your doctor for review.
Service fees
Service fees only apply if you live outside Ontario, as Ontario patients are covered by OHIP

Residents of Ontario
You will need a valid OHIP card and a physician referral

Rest of Canada
A fee will apply that may be reimbursed by Private Health Insurance
Start a Second OpinionFrequently asked questions
How do I set up an account?
Just click the "Start a Second Opinion" button, or click here to get started
Why do I need an account to get started?
You need an account so we can identify and contact you when the report is completed.
Do I need a referral for a second reading of my radiology results?
A physician referral is required for a second reading as we need to ensure a medical professional will follow up with any abnormal results. You can ask your family doctor or another treating physician to provide the referral for you. This referral can be found on our website or we can email it to you directly.
What types of images can I get a second radiology reading on?
At present, we provide second radiology readings on MRI and CT scans. We can examine all body areas, as long as you have a copy on CD-ROM or you have the ability to transfer the images to us (such as through Pocket Health). Please note, we do not read studies that are more than one year old.
How do I upload my radiology images?
It is relatively simple. Just set up an account, insert your CD-ROM that has your medical images (CT or MRI scans), and the system will guide you through the process. Alternatively, there are image transfer services such as Pocket Health that you can use to send us the images and we can do this for you.
Is there an internet browser that works best with your software?
While most modern desktop browsers will work, we recommend Google Chrome for the best user experience.
How do I get a CD-ROM of my medical images?
You can ask the hospital that performed your CT or MRI scan for a copy of your images on a CD-ROM.
What do I do if I am having technical difficulty uploading my images?
We have 24 x 7 Customer Support at 1-888-315-0790. Alternatively, you can use a service such as Pocket Health to upload your file, they have their own support service to assist you.
Is a second reading on my medical images covered by my health insurance plan?
It is covered by OHIP if you live in Ontario. Outside of Ontario, you will be charged directly but you may be reimbursed by your Private Health Insurance.
How long does it take to get the results of a second opinion on my medical image?
After the image is uploaded and the physician referral is received, it generally takes approximately one week to obtain your results.
Where will my second opinion result report be sent?
Your report will be faxed to your referring physician and the results can be reviewed with them either online or in person.
How secure is the website to protect my privacy?
Privacy is critical to Second Medical. All data is password protected and encrypted. The uploading process is performed on private and secure computer interfaces. Your data is safeguarded in accordance with government laws in Canada (PHIPA) and the USA (HIPAA).
What is PHIPA and HIPAA and how does it relate to my privacy?
PHIPA and HIPAA are a set of administrative, physical and technical safeguards used to assure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronically protected health information. PHIPA is an Ontario law and HIPAA is a US Federal Act.
Canadian Radiologists helping Canadian patients
Second radiology opinions are provided by Canadian trained and licensed Radiologists who live and practice radiology in Canada. Our goal is to provide you with a second radiology opinion on your CT and MRI scans so that you can make better, more informed decisions about your health.
Office Address
Second Radiology
563 Eglinton Ave. West
Toronto, Ontario
M5N 1B5
Contact Details
Phone: 416-551-7700
Technical Support:1-888-315-0790
Fax: 647-689-2012
Email: Send us a message